My name is Gerry Nason and I have worked in tele-sales my entire adult life. I started at 19 years old, and although I don’t feel it, I am 54 years old. Doing the math, that is 35 years in the “Ma Bell School of Hard Knocks”.

In each one of the topics listed below, I share my experience and expertise with you to reveal the keys to successful voice prospecting campaigns. Each should make for interesting discussion points, if you would like to share your input with the group. It should make for a stimulating and educational experience for each of us.

New Prospect List Management

Who am I going to call? How do I identify the “right” market? Who are the “right” decision makers? How do I find contact names? How do I find the “right” telephone numbers? What sources are there for acquiring new names and numbers?

Existing Customers

How often should they be contacted? How do I identify potential new contacts at this location? How do I extend my reach into other locations or divisions within the organization? How do I improve my relationship with my existing contacts?

Navigating Gatekeeper Obstacles

How do I improve my chances of reaching my target contact? How do I navigate successfully around gatekeepers such as Administrative Assistants, Switchboard Operators and/or people who just pick up the phone randomly? How can I use the gatekeeper to my advantage?

Voice Mail – Friend or Foe?

Is leaving voice mail messages a waste of time or can it be effective? How do I leave an effective voice mail? When is the appropriate time to leave a voice mail message? What if I can’t reach the contact and my voice mail message isn’t returned?

Back Doors, Sneaky Tricks and Work Arounds

The old saying is that there is more than one way to skin a cat. (My apologies to you cat lovers out there.) Well, over 35 years you pick up a thing or two to help the cause.

Organization and Tracking Campaign Progress

How to know who you have called, how many times you have attempted and know those you have reached from those you haven’t. Nothing is more embarasing than soliciting the same contact twice in the same day. How do I organize and manage the campaign? How can I put my fingers on the information I need ASAP?

The Call

What do I say? How do I say it? What are my goals? How do I read the vocal equivalent to body language? What content should I cover? Should I use a pre-written script or just wing it? How do I show the contact what is in it for him, why he should speak with me? When is the best time of day to call? What do I do when I am frustrated? How can I improve my effectiveness?

I invite each of you to check in weekly for an update and hopefully that you will join in on the resulting discussion, asking questions or sharing your own experiences and ideas.

So until next time, here’s hoping that each of you live long and prosper.

Gerry Nason
Senior Business Development Consultant